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Many treatments are available for child and adolescent mental health symptoms.

Some are backed by science (i.e., “evidence-based treatments”), and some are not.

We provide children and adolescents, ages 5 through 18, with support and coping skills to achieve emotional health and improved functioning through individual and family counseling. Play therapy allows younger children, who often are unable to communicate verbally, to express their feelings through art, activities, and toys.

We counsel children with challenges such as attention disorders, learning differences, and behavioral issues. Parents are incorporated into the treatment plan so that they can provide intervention and additional support at home.

Our expert counselors are available to speak on a variety of topics, including body image, bullying, and building healthy relationships at area synagogues and schools.


I was quite literally standing on an edge, ready to jump off. And now I haven’t had a thought like that in weeks. I’m feeling a lot more like myself from my golden days. I’m, like, ready to start working on things again. It’s been really, really exciting. Having the energy to do that, just do things again.

- Becca - Depression, Anxiety, Suicidal, Acting, TMS

POSITIVE RESET SERVICES is a successful franchise company that opens Mental Health Clinics across United States.
POSITIVE RESET SERVICES operates as a professional system that has stood the test of time, achieving financial success and delivering successful treatment outcomes.


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